Teledermatology Services
In this time of Covid-19, we are now offering Teledermatology appointments through our existing Electronic Medical Record.
Patients can video conference from their phone or computer with our Dermatologists in real-time using a downloadable app on your phone or your standard web browser on your computer.
These visits are covered under your regular insurance plan, but we will need to check for insurance approval prior to your appointment.
Similar to in office visits, co-pays and deductibles will be collected prior to seeing the doctor.
To request a Teledermatology appointment please email us at or call us at (301) 776-1094.
Telehealth Instructional Video
Telederm Tips
For your Telederm appointment you can use your regular computer. However, for the best examination possible, it is recommended that you install the Modernizing Medicine Pocket Patient App on your phone or tablet. During your appointment place your camera in high resolution and turn on your device’s flash/light. Using the main camera on your device have another person hold the device so that the area(s) to be evaluated can be clearly seen.
If we are conducting a full skin exam or examining an area of your body that is not normally visible because of clothing, we kindly request that you put on a robe prior to Telederm appointment.
Soderma Dermatology
Located in a comfortable state-of-the-art office in Laurel, Maryland, Soderma General, Surgical, and Cosmetic Dermatology is a comprehensive dermatology practice providing full range of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatologic services for all skin types. Whether it is treating skin cancer (we are Mohs surgery experts), clearing acne, removing fine lines and wrinkles, or refining uneven skin complexions, our board certified dermatologists, Dr. Cylburn E. Soden, Sr. and Dr. Cylburn E. Soden, Jr. work individually with each patient to design a personalized treatment plan to help you look and feel your best.
Additionally, through our medical aesthetician, Kinosha Soden LME, BS, we offer a full line of aesthetic services such as state of the art microdermabrasions, peels and facials. Visit our medical aestheticians page at Soderma Beauty to learn more.
At Soderma our entire staff is passionate about providing excellent and compassionate care to all of our patients.

Thorough and personal practice. There is ease and convenience with scheduling. Staff are more than helpful and completely follow through with the treatment plan. I have had staff accommodate me with urgent appointments in a timely manner. An innovative and bright office space allowed maximum comfort levels. I am quite pleased and even tickled with my results. Adult acne = cured.
In the Media
Dr. Soden with Kyle Haggerty
Dr. Soden Jr. with Kyle Haggerty, Mr. Gay America 2018, as he prepares for the Mr. Gay World Competition in 2018 held in South Africa.