Sculpsure Body Contouring

SculpSure body contouring is a is a non-invasive treatment for the reduction of stubborn fat. Each 25-minute treatment can destroy up to 24% of treated fat cells without surgery.

The 1060nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows SculpSure to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks and optimal results usually seen in as few as 12 weeks.

  • Minimal absorption in the dermis leaves the skin’s surface unharmed
  • Advanced Contact Cooling™ enhances patient comfort
  • Feathering of heat spread provides natural-looking results 
FAQ - Sculpsure

What areas can be treated?

SculpSure treatments are FDA-cleared to reduce stubborn fat in the belly, love handles, back, thighs, and under the chin.

Is Sculpsure Body Contouring right for me?

SculpSure treatments are ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise. Ideal candidates for treatment of the abdomen, love handles, back and thighs have a BMI of 30 or less and have squeezable pockets of fat without excessively loose skin.

Submental treatments are affective on patients with a BMI up to 43.

Note: While patients experience fat-loss and body contouring as a result of their SculpSure treatments, it is not a treatment that typically causes the patient to loose weight.

How many treatments will I need?

Every patient is different. Most people see the best results when they receive a series of treatments. A typical treatment series involves 2 treatments per area 6 weeks apart.

What should I expect during treatment?

Most patients feel deep warmth and tingling sensations intermittently throughout the treatment, which is generally well-tolerated. 

When will I see results?

Patients may start to see results as early as 6 weeks following treatment as the body begins to eliminate the destroyed fat cells, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks after the last treatment.

How long will results last?

Treated fat cells are eliminated during a treatment and will not return. However, it is possible for the patient to still gain wait. In that regard, the patient will be weighed at your initial and follow-up visits. SculpSure is an excellent complement to a healthy lifestyle. Optimal benefits are best achieved in combination with diet and exercise.

How long before I can resume normal activities?

SculpSure treatment results in absolutely no downtime which allows you to resume your daily activities right away. Make it back to work for that post-lunch meeting, never miss a yoga class, hit the slopes or head to the beach. Nothing’s stopping you!

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?

The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remains constant throughout adult life. As we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but do not decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas. After the SculpSure treatment, the fat cells are permanently destroyed and will not return.

Would you like to schedule a consultation?

Call us at (301) 776-1094 or click below
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