Injectable Cosmetic Dermatology Services
We work individually with you to design a personalized treatment plan to help you look and feel your best

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers can remove years of aging instantly and most times with a single office visit. At Soderma Dermatology we pride ourselves on producing a natural look that will have you looking years younger and have your friends wondering what you are doing to look so good.
Dr. Soden Sr. and Dr. Soden Jr. have performed dermal fillers on both men and women of all skin types and of all ages. Clients include both local and national title holders in both men and women’s pageants as well local and national celebrities.
We utilize a variety of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers including the Juviderm family of products: Voluma, Juviderm Ultra Plus, Volbella and Vollure. An additional hyaluronic acid filler that we perform is Belotero that we often use to correct volume loss in the tear trough.
At Soderma dermatology we also perform Bellafill. Bellafill is a dermal filler that is FDA approved for the treatment acne scars and for the treatment of smiles lines. It instantly smooths lines and stimulates your natural collagen to produce results that can last up to 5 years.
While we are happy to quote individual prices of filler per syringe, often the best and most natural results are typically achieved with a combination approach in which 1 or 2 different fillers are used to achieve a lasting, natural looking result.
In that regard, we recommend a consultation for all new patients to discuss your goals and establish a treatment plan prior to proceeding with treatment. At Soderma Dermatology we are very experienced injectors, and we want all of our patients to have a thorough understanding of the reasons why behind the recommendations for their treatment before proceeding.
At times, it may be possible to perform your initial consultation and treatment on the same day.
Note: Pregnant women or persons with allergies to injectable filler ingredients should not receive injectable filler.
FAQ - Dermal Fillers
How long with the results of injectable filler last?
The benefits of hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers are temporary. You can expect your improvements to last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the filler performed. Often times if various fillers are combined to enhance different areas of the face, we find that the natural looking results will last several years. We have treated numerous patients that have retained their results over several years and look much younger now than when they first began their treatment. In general, maintenance treatments vary and may consists of one to two visits per year for touch ups.
What are the common side effects?
Some bruising and swelling with treatment are expected. Most patients typically return to work the next day. Bruising and swelling in some cases can last from 1-3 weeks if multiple syringes of filler are used, if the patient is slightly older in age and has more fragile skin, or if we are performing filler around the eyes. For this reason, we recommend a follow-up visit 2-3 weeks after your treatment so that we make sure you are satisfied with the aesthetic result.
What is the cost of injectable filler?
The cost depends on how much filler is required and the product used. The cost per syringe of filler ranges from $650 to $1000.
*Please do not schedule dental surgery within 2 weeks of your injectable filler appointment.

BOTOX® Cosmetic – Botulinum Toxin
BOTOX® is a popular brand of botulinum toxin that has been performed over 11 million times since its introduction.
Botulinum toxin can be used to relax the involuntary muscles of our brow, forehead, lips and around our eyes that become more exaggerated as we age and result in persistent creases of these areas. These creases make us look worried, unapproachable, and older. With treatment these lines and wrinkles will significantly lessen, making us appear more fresh, relaxed and youthful.
2 FDA-cleared brands of botulinum toxin are available at Soderma Dermatology: Botox Cosmetic and Xeomin. These products have EXACTLY the same active ingredient, botulinum toxin. They differ only in the proteins that surround that ingredient, and both are very effective.
On average botulinum toxin takes about 5-7 days before taking affect and lasts about 3-4 months
Areas of treatment include:
- Brow (“11”s)
- Forehead
- Crow’s feet (eyes)
- Bunny Lines (nose)
- Neck Lines
- Lips
- Gummy Smile (excessive show of upper teeth)
Additionally, botulin toxin can also be used to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the hands, feet and underarms.
FAQ - BOTOX® Cosmetic
Do the injections hurt?
The needles for botulinum toxin are much smaller than those used for cosmetic filler; patients are often surprised at how little pain botulinum injections cause.
What are the risks?
The most common side effect is a mild amount of droopiness in an eyelid (“sleepy” eye) that lasts about 10 days without treatment. This is a rare occurrence. As with any time you get an injection anywhere in your body, a small bruise is possible.
Can you become “immune” to botulinum toxin?
Theoretically. Typically, patients who receive botulinum toxin frequently for one or two years require less botulinum toxin each time.
What if I don’t like the results?
Results will fade after a few months.
How frequently can/should I have injections?
Botulinum toxin can be used every 3-4 months, depending on how the muscles respond.
Who should not have botulinum toxin?
Women who are pregnant, breast-feeding and people who are taking certain antibiotics, have neuromuscular disorders or an allergy to botulinum toxin should not have injections.
What is the cost of botulinum toxin?
The cost of Botox® and Xeomin® is $15/unit. An average woman’s brow typically requires about 25 units.
KybellaTM, is approved by the FDA for the destruction of submental fat (under the chin fat). During the procedure it is injected directly under the chin into the fat cells, where its main active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, breaks down the fat cell membranes, destroying the fat cells. The destroyed fat cells are then reabsorbed by the body.
Most patients require of 2-4 treatments depending on the amount of submental fat present. Treatments are performed every 4-8 weeks until the desired cosmetic result is achieved.
FAQ - Kybella
What are possible side effects of KybellaTM?
A common and immediate side effect of KybellaTM injections is swelling at the treatment site. This swelling usually lasts 48-72 hours but will resolve. Additional side effects can include bruising, induration, redness and numbness that can last for up to 4 weeks, and trouble swallowing. An uncommon side effect is temporary damage to the marginal mandibular nerve, causing an asymmetric smile that will resolve in days or weeks.
At Soderma Dermatogy we also perform Sculpsure as an alternative to KybellaTM for unwanted submental fat. Sculpsure is a 25-minute laser treatment that is FDA approved for the treatment of unwanted fat. For people that cant afford any downtime Sculpsure is a great alternative
What does KybellaTM cost?
Cost depends on the number of treatments recommended per patient. Treatments start at $1,100.
*Please do not schedule dental surgery within 2 weeks of your injectable filler appointment.